Should I Diy Or Hire Professionals For My House Painting Project

Painting is one of the greatest investments you can make in your home. The difference a fresh coat of paint can bring to the inside and outside of your home is amazing.

So you think DIY Painting is the easiest and cheapest way to give your home a fresh new look? You might want to think again since there are a lot of hidden expenses that go hand in hand with a DIY painting project.

You should consider a few things before heading to the paint store. Try to focus on the end result, not just the short-term savings.

Benefits Of DIY


The primary reason for considering DIY is typically the cost savings. However, DIY projects require scrapers, extension poles, paintbrushes and rollers, among other tools. When doing the math, make sure you include these expenses.

Creative Control

Another benefit of DIY is that you have more control over the project. From choosing the paint colours to painting techniques and even the final touches. If you decide to make this a family affair, it can be quite a fun weekend activity.

Benefits Of Hiring A Professional

Expert Advice

Did you know that the light in your room could affect the appearance of your paint colour? Or that the walls of newly built houses have more moisture? If you are a professional painter, these technical details become second nature. With a wealth of experience and better judgement, they can provide recommendations beyond the amateur level to ensure a professional-looking end result.


Painting a house can be a challenging task. Rookies may not know how to mix the paints in exact quantities or keep a steady hand and maintain even strokes across different surfaces. A bad paint job will require repainting sooner rather than later, costing more money in the long run.


Skilled painters are taught to focus metres above the ground for a long time, with equipment like scaffolds and stepladders to stay safe while painting. Unless you’re positive that you can protect yourself the same way, hiring painting contractors will be a safer option.

You’ll need to consider your options based on the resources you have available. If you have the budget available to hire a trained professional like Sipenda. It will not only be the safest option but will save you money in the long run.

To hire the best painters Pretoria, get in touch with Sipenda for a free quote today!


How to Increase The Value Of Your Home With Paint

Home improvements can be expensive, but they don’t have to be. Various budget painting projects can be done relatively quickly which will add tremendous value to your property.

You can instantly brighten up a room just by painting the walls a different colour or change the entire look of your exterior by painting your front door. Painting other outside elements like the trim or fencing, will instantly bring forth the same sense of enhancement. Here are a few improvements you can make with paint to add value to your home:

Take Care When Choosing Your Paint Colour

When you put a mid-value colour, like tan, alongside a pure white, it’s going to appear beige. However, if you put it next to dark green, it will appear off-white. Take this into account when selecting paint colours. And whenever you pick out a colour from a fan deck in the paint store, you need to hide the colours next to it with a white piece of paper. If possible, try to pick colours outdoors in natural light on an overcast day or in open shade. Bright light produces glare which can change how you perceive the colour.

Emphasize Detail Cautiously

Create a balanced impression between the upper and lower part of your home. For example, if there’s a lot of detail at the top of your home, you’ll want to create detail and attention at the bottom. Use darker colours near the bottom of the house to prevent the home from feeling top-heavy.

Match up Materials

Ensure that the paint colours you decide on accentuate the colours of the other elements of your property, such as the roof, brick or stone.

Brighten Things Up

Paint window frames and overhead surfaces, such as veranda ceilings, a lighter colour to reflect light. Apply lighter colours to make a small house appear bigger.

Choose Warm Colours

Use warm colours instead of cool. For instance, using a cool white-blue will make your home look clinical whereas a warm yellow-white will make your home more inviting and cosy.

You’ll want to restore and repaint as soon as you discover your paint is starting to crack and peel. Disregarding these issues will lead to a much more extensive and costly project.

Whether you’re planning to paint the house yourself or hire painting services in Pretoria, if you follow these tips, there is no doubt it will increase the value of your home.