Take The Stress Out Of Home Improvements and Let Professional Painters Do It For You

Most homes need a new coat of paint on the exterior every seven to ten years, but it can change depending on where you live. Homes located in coastal regions typically require more frequent maintenance since it is more exposed to the elements than homes located inland. Coastal homes endure more sun, salty sea air and sand and thus might need a fresh coat of paint at least every five years.

Painting the exterior of your home can be quite a challenge. There are a lot of things to keep in mind, like when is the best time to paint, what products to use, and what preparation needs to be done before starting the painting job.

DIY vs Professional Painters

It is possible to do it yourself, but remember that it will take much longer and you’ll need some skills. And yes, standing on a ladder, holding a can of paint while painting is considered a skill, especially if you are afraid of heights. Secondly, you’ll need time and lots of it. Repairing and painting the exterior of your home can easily take up to a month if you’re doing it alone. Are you committed to spending all your free time for the next month painting your house? If yes, then I say go ahead!

If that doesn’t appeal to you, you could always get some help by hiring professional painters to paint your Pretoria home. This will not only speed up the process, but it will also ensure a job well done! So many homeowners start out thinking they can save some cash by doing it themselves and eventually employ painting contractors to finish the job.

Benefits of Hiring Professional Painters in Pretoria


  • They can save you money. Time is money, and if you’re spending a month on a painting job, you’re losing not only time but money too
  • They have the right equipment. Not using the proper equipment for your painting project can make your house look worse than it did before.
  • They have product knowledge. Using quality products, especially in coastal regions, is vital. Not only will the painting job look professional, but it will also last longer.
  • They have experience and skills. They know all about selecting the right colours, how to prepare a surface and what season is best for painting your home exterior.

If it’s time to paint your home and you’re looking for professional painters in Pretoria, look no further. Speak to the team at Sipenda Painters today, and let us help you paint your home the right way.


High-Rise Painting Projects Need Professional Painters – Here’s Why

Think twice before you hire just any handyman or painter to paint your company’s office or industrial site. Painting a high-rise is not the same as painting a residential property. Commercial and industrial painters are the better choice if you consider costs, safety, and time needed to complete the job.

Save Time and Money

The area of a highrise building or industrial site is beyond the capabilities of a single painter. For example, a commercial building requires four times as much preparation and painting as an average home. One person will need months to complete the project and it will cost much more than you anticipated.

By hiring professional painters, you can save time and money on paint and materials since they will be able to negotiate better prices from their suppliers on large projects.

For Professional Looking Results

To avoid cracking paint, flaking and smearing, you must have your building painted by skilled professionals. It is also possible to have a professional assist you in selecting the right colour for your building.

Painting Professionals Follow Safety Regulations

Painting commercial properties often require painters to work at heights, so it is imperative that you hire a licensed, insured contractor who follows all safety regulations.

Our team at Sipenda offers extremely affordable prices for commercial and industrial painting projects in Pretoria for those who know why it’s important to hire professional painters as opposed to a friend of a friend. You can be certain that we are the right team for the job based on our industry experience and commitment to service excellence. For more information or a free quote, get in touch with Sipenda Paint Contractors today!