This Is Why You Should Never Hire Amateurs To Paint Your Commercial Building

Painting high-rise commercial buildings are completely different from house painting. Taking into account the safety of workers, the time needed to finish and the costs involved, it’s clear to see why it’s better to hire professional painters with experience in commercial and industrial painting for the project.

So, if you were thinking of hiring just any self-proclaimed painter to paint your entire industrial site or commercial building, think again! Here’s why:

Experienced Painters Will Save You Time and Money

Simply put, painting jobs of this magnitude will be too much for one painter to handle. To paint an industrial sight or highrise building, you’ll need a team of professional painters to get the job done.

These types of painting projects require more preparation and paint than a typical home. The more people on the project, the faster it will go and the more money you’ll save. Additionally, professional painters buy paint and materials in bulk, thus get better prices from suppliers.

Professional Painters = a Satisfactory Outcome

When hiring an amateur, there are no guarantees that the outcome will be adequate. Professional painters are skilled and experienced in painting large buildings and they can help you choose the right type and colour paint for maximum punch. Hiring professionals for your painting job is essential if you want to avoid smearing, flaking or cracking paint.

Professional Painters ALWAYS follow Safety Regulations

If there’s one thing amateurs do well, it’s cutting corners. And when it comes to the safety of your contractor — who would be working at extreme heights — it’s vital to comply with all safety rules and regulations. For their sake and yours.

Now that you know exactly why you should resist hiring amateurs and hire professional painters instead, you should definitely get in touch with Sipenda Painting Contractors. We are professional painters in Pretoria with experience in residential, commercial and industrial painting. We can assure you when you hire us for your painting project, you will be satisfied with the outcome. For more information or a free quote, give us a call today!


In Shere Centre Painting Project

Sipenda has completed their second successful painting project at the popular In Shere Centre located in the East of Pretoria. Another paint job, another satisfied client!

Please feel free to contact Sipenda Painters Pretoria today for your commercial painting needs!

How Lighting Affects The Look Of Your Interior Paint Colour

As challenging as it is to choose a paint colour for your home’s interior, there are even more considerations to keep in mind, like how your colour will present itself on your walls? Whether you have loads of natural light or no natural light at all will play a big part in your choice of paint hue.

If you are lucky enough to have a room with plenty of natural light throughout the day, we recommend using golden or pale tones to light it up even more. If you prefer bold, rich colours, you’d be glad to know that these too will look exceptional. If your room is sunkissed all day every day, you are spoilt for choice when it comes to decorating your space.

One thing to keep in mind: A south-facing room is brighter and light may bounce around while north-facing light is cooler, thus more of a blue tone.

For rooms that are sunny in the morning (east-facing), the light will be warm to start with and turn blue throughout the day. We suggest you stick with mild colours that will pop in the morning but still feel cool in the afternoon.

Rooms that are sunny in the afternoon (west-facing) might have harsh shadows later in the afternoon. It’s best to avoid bold and vibrant colours as they might appear dull. We suggest you use more subdued and pale colours that will warm up throughout the day.

If your room doesn’t receive a whole lot of natural light, you’ll have to be cautious of how your artificial lighting influences your tones. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a great looking room, however.

If you want your room to look good no matter what and your paint to match the exact swatch colour in your hand, we suggest you stick to mattes. If you don’t mind a variance in colour and you want to enrich bright colours, gloss and sheen can be used to your advantage.

For help with your interior painting job, why not get in touch with professional painters in Pretoria. Call Sipenda Painting Contractors for a free quote today!