Tips from the Professionals for Cleaning and Painting Your Paving

Brick paving is extremely durable which is why so many South Africans use them for their walkways, driveways and patios. They are easy to install over just about any surface and just as easy to paint to suit your exterior colour scheme. But painting your paving isn’t just done to add to its aesthetics, it also provides a protective coating to limit damage and make them easier to clean. Here are some tips to keep in mind when painting your brick paving.

1. Clean Them Thoroughly

The cleaning part is probably the most important step and should always be done at the beginning of the process. Getting rid of all dust and dirt buildup is crucial. If you don’t clean your brick pavers, your paint might not adhere to them very well and you’ll lock all of the debris underneath the paint.

2. Plan Ahead
Don’t just randomly start painting your brick pavers. There are various factors to consider like the design and the weather. For a successful execution, you’ll want to choose a day with zero chance of rain. The perfect day will be hot and sunny to make sure your paint dries quickly. Also, don’t pick a windy day for obvious reasons!

3. Apply Multiple Coats

One coat just won’t do. Multiple paint coats will ensure the best result. A valuable tip when painting paving is to mix turpentine in with your first layer: ratio 1 – 4 (4 being the paint). Turpentine will make sure paint sticks to the brick pavers better. Only do this for the first layer. Once your first coat has dried, apply the next layer or two. Allow enough time in between for paint to dry.

For professional painters in Pretoria that can manage your paving painting project, speak to the team at Sipenda Painters for a free quote today.

Sell Your Home Quickly by Painting It These Colours

Early December it was announced that South Africa has emerged out of recession following a 2.2% rise in GDP increase for the third quarter of 2018. While we aren’t out of the woods yet, it is excellent news for the housing market. If you’ve been contemplating whether you should put your home on the market, now is the time.

As you already know, it takes time and planning to sell a home so in order to have the best chances of closing the deal quickly, make sure your home is attractive to potential buyers. We’re not saying you should do expensive renovations but a few coats of paint will do wonders and it’s fairly inexpensive. Keep in mind that the colour you choose will play a crucial role!

Exterior Paint Colours That Will Attract Buyers

White is still a prefered choice – it makes your home look bigger and more welcoming. Recent research showed that neutral colours like beige or grey tend to sell quicker and for a larger asking price than those painted with earthy colours like tan or brown. This is due to the fact that neutral colours tend to show off your property’s assets better. Sprucing up your home’s exterior will give it a fresh new look and better curb appeal.

Interior Paint Colours That Will Seal the Deal

Interior staging is crucial to sealing the deal with potential buyers. If you’ve taken good care of your home over the years, you’ll want to make sure it doesn’t go unnoticed. Present your home in a way so that potential buyers can envision themselves living in it and settling down. The right colours on the walls will make all the difference.

Trendy colours come and go and while it’s tempting to follow the trends, it might be a big mistake. The key is to stick with classic colours to make your home more marketable. Neutral colours are more appealing since they offer the idea of a blank canvas. Please note that this does by no means mean you have to stick with white. Even white comes in various shades and undertones. Typically, cooler whites tend to be more attractive to homebuyers.

Not sure where to find the time and energy to paint a home you’re trying to sell? Sipenda Painters in Pretoria can assist with your painting project. For professional, reliable and affordable painting contractors, get in touch with Sipenda today.