Pretoria Painting Contractors

Painting accent walls in your home are alive and well in the decorating industry.  When you are thinking about it, the location of your feature wall is personal and you want to add excitement to the space.  The aim is to emphasize and make it special and unique, that’s why picking the right wall, is so critical.

Remember that when you enter a room, the first wall you see is not always the wall to accentuate and paint.  Here are a few suggestions and guidelines that will help to determine which wall to choose:

*  Choose a wall in the room that has no doors or windows.  Doors and windows can distract and your mission is to enhance. The light from the windows will also change the colour of our accent wall during the day.

* Paint the farthest short wall in an oblong room, it will make the wall appear closer to you, and visually correct the room.  Do not accentuate shared walls; this will only make the room look unbalanced.

*  Make use of an existing focal point in the room, for example a built-in fireplace or the headboard of your bed.  You can make it stand our more when you paint the wall around it a different colour than the rest.

* When there is no natural focal point in the room, you can create one by using a favourite painting, a unique piece of furniture or framed photos.

* Look careful when you choose your accent wall – make sure there is no competition from other walls in the room. An oversized mirror or dramatic artwork next to the accent wall will only overwhelm.

When choosing the colour paint for your accent wall, keep the following in mind:

* Create a classic look and paint your accent wall darker than the other walls in the room.

* The colour of the accent wall should harmonize with the adjacent wall colour.  You can foolproof your look with 2 shades darker than the rest.

* Relate your accent wall to the existing décor – repeat a colour already present in the room.  Use one of the colours in your throw pillows or a colour in the artwork for your accent wall.

* Do not pick the colour of your carpet, furniture upholstery or curtains as this will only emphasize too much of the same thing.

*  Remember the items that will be placed on the background of the wall.  Aim and ensure enough contrast so that nothing will clash or disappear on the new colour background.

Do you need help picking a colour palette for your accent walls?  Sipenda Paint Contractors is here to help with decorting colours and advice.  Give us a call for a painting quote today in all Pretoria areas!

Sipenda Painters Pretoria are professional painting contractors in Pretoria and offer the following services:

  • Painting of Interior & Exterior walls
  • Damp proofing
  • Roof coatings and repairs (tile and zinc)
  • High-Pressure cleaning
  • Cleaning and painting of paving
  • Concrete protection and repair
  • High access and rope access painting
  • Window cleaning
  • Steel fencing and gates
  • Advice and suggestions on correct colours and combinations.

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