Get the Best Results by Hiring Professional Painters for Your Painting Project

Every few years your property will need to be painted. There’s no way around it. The experts suggest every 5 to 10 years for interiors depending on the area. High traffic zones like hallways will not last 10 years especially if you have small kids or pets.

As for the exterior of your home, 5 – 7 years will be sufficient, but it also depends on the elements. If you live in an area with abundant sunshine or rain, it can take a toll on your walls. Waiting 7 years to paint walls in these conditions won’t only cause your home to look faded but can cause permanent damage to your property.

Many people choose to go the DIY painting route but it’s not always the right decision. If you don’t know what you’re doing, it will end up costing you more to hire professionals to fix your mistakes. If you want great results, hire professional painters. You won’t be sorry.

Benefits of Hiring Professional Painters

  1. You won’t have to give up your weekends for the next three months
  2. The project will be done before you know it
  3. The end result will look professional
  4. It costs less than you think

Where to Find Reliable Painters in Pretoria

Not all painting contractors are created equally. It’s best to do your homework before you appoint someone. You’ll want a contractor with experience as well as contactable references.

Sipenda Painters offers painting, among other services, in Pretoria and surrounding areas. While the business only opened its doors in 2012, the owner, Herman du Raan, has more than 30 years experience in the construction industry. Trustworthy and innovative are just some of the words that come to mind when you think about Sipenda.

For any painting related projects, damp proofing, window and high-pressure cleaning, get in touch with the team for a free quote today!

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