How to Choose the Right Colour Paint for Your Business Office

Did you know that the colour of your office walls affects your employees’ productivity? And not only their productivity, their mood as well.

According to recent studies, colour has been proven to have an effect on the productivity of employees. The effects of colour influence people universally, even if they have a certain preference for colour.

What Colour Should I Paint My Office?

It all depends on your end goal. Yellow is believed to awaken creativity while blue stimulates the mind. Green creates a balanced and calming atmosphere while red is more energetic.

While choosing a colour is great, it isn’t enough. The intensity and saturation of the actual colour are even more important. Bright, highly saturated colours will stimulate employees while softer colours tend to soothe them.

If you have various teams with different goals and objectives, you don’t have to paint the entire office one colour. Instead, opt for accents that will best suit the specific team. While paint plays the biggest part in employee productivity there are some other things you can do to take it a step further.

What Else Can You Do to Increase Staff Productivity?

  1. Get Rid of the Clutter

A clean and clutter-free workspace will greatly improve productivity. Nothing wastes time like searching for documents through endless piles of paper, so make sure to develop a system and stick to it.

  1. Incorporate More Plants in Your Design

Plants are known to filter the air and remove bacteria and mould, keeping your employees productive, happy and healthy.

  1. Encourage Breaks

Nothing decreases productivity like sitting at your desk for hours on end. A short 5-minute break every hour keeps employees fresh and focused.

For more information on choosing the right colour for your business office or if you require a free quote, get in touch with Sipenda Commercial and Industrial Painters in Pretoria today!

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