How To Pick The Perfect Shade Of Grey For Your Interior

You might think that grey isn’t an actual colour, but there is a grey for every rainbow colour. It is the undertone that sets one grey apart from the other.

Grey continues to be a common choice for interior wall colour due to its contemporary feel and neutral tone. But choosing the right shade of grey can pose a challenge since there are thousands to choose from.

Grey can cool down or warm up your space and can complement an accent colour like no other. Try these tips when choosing the perfect shade of grey that will work for your space.

Natural Light

The most critical factor in selecting the right tone is to look at the amount of natural light and which direction it comes from. The direction of the light makes your wall colour warmer or cooler. Northern light will be the coolest (blue-ish hue), and southern light will offer the most warmth (golden hue). Eastern and western light changes from morning to night. As the sun moves throughout the sky, western light seems warmer at sunset, while eastern light appears warmer at sunrise.

Cool Light

If you have north-facing windows, a cool grey will seem even cooler in that area. It would be great if you were using the space as a photography studio but not so much when creating a cosy atmosphere. Choosing a warmer shade will help neutralise the cool light to create a more inviting feel.

Warm Light

If your home has south-facing windows, the opposite will be true. Southern light is warm and cosy but could change a warm grey into a beige. Choose a cool grey to neutralise the warm light. If you would rather want to keep the warmth, but don’t want it to seem beige, pick a grey without any warm or cool undertones.

There are many things to contemplate when picking the perfect shade of grey for your home, but no matter which shade of grey you choose, painting is a job best left to the professionals. To hire professional painters in Pretoria, get in touch with the team at Sipenda Paint Contractors for a free quote today!